stylish 2 end

Stylish Portrait – Digital Art Study – 2/4

Stylish Portrait – Digital Art Study – 2/4 – 28 july 22

Hi! After Stylish 1, I present you Stylish 2, the second of 4 portrait study sessions.

Stylish 2 – The Reference

stylish 2 reference

On Unsplash, I found this unique portrait and decided to make it the basis of this challenge.

Stylish 2 – Step by Step

You’re used to it now:

  • sketching phase,
  • then blocking the dark/enlightened zones and finally
  • blending the accurate places of the painting, for a stunning result.

The usual 🥰.

The palette of shades Method

More specifically, make a palette of shades going from black to white. Leave 5 empty spots in between in order to place the shades chosen. Then, by referring to the photography, pick the according shade by order (apply from black to white or vice-versa).

I chose to begin with the darker spots, to the more enlightened.

Stick to the order from the palette and you may obtain a great and accurate result.

Stylish 2 – The Result


Hope you had a good reading, see you around 😸 .

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