I’m Moon D The Artist

Hello All! Self-Taught Freelance Artist based in France and sharing my artwork - tips & more 💕 Welcome! Feel free to scroll through my displayed portfolios.

Boutique (Soon)
I'm Moon D The Artist

Let’s open our boutique!

This month's assets will be invested in jewerly tools (dremel, accessories, clay...), stickers maker, vlog cams... 🥳 We want to open our own boutique - will you help us? Any amount will be warmly appreciated!

Detail Photography

The photos can't reflect the perfect reality (the wind and the flavor are for the present). However, I like to convey the most loyal impression.

Detail Photography

My Interests

Digital Art

Redesigning sketches or giving them life is a funny way to review my drawings!

Digital Art


Paint again and again! I never paint the exact idea I have in mind so I'm always surprised by the result.



I spent most of the last years sketching and training to learn BY MYSELF the basics of drawing (from poses to faces structure and movements...). I'm far to be done but on my way!


Graphic Design

I always was fascinated with attractive posters, colorful album covers... It was natural for me to get into graphic design!

Graphic Design

Pinterest Monthly Views

Pinterest Monthly Views

Join Us On Our Journey! We will launch a newsletter once we reach 1k subscribers > starting with you 😇

Scroll Our Portfolios & Develop Your Creativity Today!

"MDTA was born in 2018 and this website opened on the fall of 2021. We're happy to see you here and to keep working on so many valuable projects. Again, Welcome!"


