Progress Journal – September 22


Now to me, the progress of this month was C-R-A-Z-Y! If you saw my portraits 2 months ago (june 22) and discover the following, I’m pretty sure you are also taken aback by the gap.

Digital Art – Sketches

For those, as I’m used to working on Photoshop, I started by tracing lines from the references below. It is an approximative approach but it permits to show your drawing style more effectively.


Let’s come up with the original link ref for those: 1st2nd – 3rd has no other reference than my imagination 🙃 – 4th (The Rings of Power series).

Digital Art – Results

NB: As usual, I’ll be writing an in depth step by step article for each pieces 😌.

Colorful. Brilliant. Getting better 🦾.


Click here

Click here

Surprise surprise! I’ve also been practicing my painting skills and tried for the first time oil painting. I really appreciated the ability of “painting textures” due to the oil painting thickness and the technique is far different from when I paint with acrylic only: a great experience to redo in the near future 😎.


I am so grateful for those portraits! Although in a few months, I may see more defaults, but it makes me keep going. For more surprises, I will document my future progress and we’ll see again, how MDTA evolves.

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