Is tracing a drawing cheating?

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Debate Around the Controversial Tracing Method

It seems like Tracing is in the middle of a controversial war between artists who aknowledge the use of tracing or even encourage others to practice it…

… and creatives who never needed it throughout their journey OR could learn anatomy basics in class, through books… and end up not being compliant with the method.

The most popular google requests about tracing are the following: Is tracing a good way to learn drawing? How do you do a trace drawing? Is tracing art drawing?

I chose to trace to learn drawing

I am among the first group and I’ll peacefully explain you why 😇

Tracing is a good way to learn drawing

The first question is WHY?

Because it’s a method that gets you familiar with many aspects of a vivid drawing. May it be a portrait, a sunset or landscape or any reference you chose, tracing will ease you the way to understanding:

  • the shapes,
  • the proportions,
  • the contrast between colors hence the light effects,
  • how to put movement on a still artwork…

Tracing can be your first teacher through your journey.

The second question that often pops up is :

When to use tracing?

As I explained earlier, I believe tracing is useful when you are a complete beginner. Once you catch the tricks and the logic behind proportions rules and how to apply the colors/tones… you will be free of this method.

At first, you will gain more and more tricks which amount will lessen when they will transform into habits. That’s my theorie, or as a fact, how it went for me.

How to do a trace drawing ?

Now that you know it all, how do you get started with the method? I made so much out of it (at my beginnings, so many sketches/drawing/digitals you can scroll on my portfolio page), I’m ready to share tips about the process.

For a digital drawing:

Begin by picking a reference: may it be from Unsplash, Pinterest, Instagram

The world is full of references but make sure to be able to credit their author, always 🙃

Use Photoshop or Procreate or any drawing tool where you can add and apply layers.

  • Paste the reference on the first layer,
  • turn down its opacity and
  • create over it a layer 2 where you will trace the features/lines/shading parts…
  • Then color it (or not) however you like, knowing you can pick the actual reference colors with the color picker tool.

There you go!

Approaching the reference this way will help you see similarities with future references. You’ll learn how alike and unique people, landscapes, movements, light effects… are at the same time.

Is tracing art drawing?

In my opinion it isn’t. It is more likely a way to drawing. But you will find many differing opinions from many different artists… What matters is your journey and how you think tracing will help you reach your next level.

A pure advice by Pencil Wildlife Artist Kevin Hayler : don’t trace in order to deceive. I say: clear intentions make clear progress and gives you a clean meaning. Dream goal right?

Comment about tracing

Now’s your time to express yourself about the Tracing Method in the comment section down below! Feel free to share your opinion, as different as they are 😉

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